7th Annual Elf on the Shelf Extravaganzalorious Day
Join ACE of Gray for our 7th Annual Elf on the Shelf Extravaganzalorious Day! Leave the kids to watch the Elf on the Shelf movie while you shop and get their picture made with the real Santa Claus! Also, participate in our annual Scout Elves Scavenger Hunt throughout the store for a chance to WIN a $25 Ace of Gray Gift Card! Plus, All Kids Toys, Clothing, and Elf on the Shelf and Christmas Merchandise will be 20% Off! Mark it on your calendar, this is a day of fun you don’t want to miss!
Santa Claus is coming to Ace of Gray on December 4th for our 7th Annual Elf on the Shelf Extravaganzalorious DAY! Bring your kids to get your annual pictures done with Santa from 12-3pm! It’s gonna be a jolly good time! Mark it on your calendars – December 5th from 12-3pm!
Get ready to see Merry Grayce & Paint Chip this year! Follow along on Facebook or Instagram to see where they hide all December long!
#ShopAceofGray #ElfontheShelf #GreatGifts #ExtravaganzaloriousDay #PictureswithSanta #ScoutElves #Theresnostorelikeit