There’s something inherently satisfying about planting vegetables in the fall, nurturing them through rain and frost, and harvesting fresh veggies to serve for holiday dinners. As summer heat finally fades, gardeners’ minds refocus on fall planting. What will you dish up this holiday season? Here are 8 fall vegetables to plant in Georgia gardens.
8 Fall Vegetables for Georgia
- Asparagus: A perennial vegetable, asparagus makes an excellent addition to any fall garden. Space plants 12-18 inches apart to produce the best annual crop.
- Broccoli: A cold-hardy vegetable, broccoli grows best in full sun. Though it can be grown in spring or fall, fall planting keeps the insect population down. Plant in fertile, well-drained soil 70-95 days before intended harvest.
- Cabbage: Another excellent fall vegetable, cabbage can survive minor damage from frost and cold. For best results, plant 6-8 weeks before first frost. Mulch to keep moisture dispersal even, and water regularly.
- Carrots: The perfect vegetable for almost any meal, carrots flourish in fall gardens. Carrots take 10-12 weeks to fully mature, so careful gardeners plant them early in the season. To avoid rot, pull carrots before winter frosts set in.
- Cauliflower: Cauliflower plants require rich soil, frequent watering, and consistently cool temperatures. Grow cauliflower when the temperatures reach the mid 60’s.
- Lettuce: Leafy greens grow well in Georgia’s mild fall weather. Sow seeds directly into the garden. Plant in September, but don’t fret if the first frost comes early. Lettuce can survive light frosts without sustaining damage.
- Radishes: An easy-to-grow cool season vegetable, radishes thrive in full sunlight. Plant 4-6 weeks before last frost and thin radishes after the first week of growth.
- Spinach: Another leafy green that thrives in cooler months, spinach grows best when planted in September. Use fresh spinach in salads, stir frys, dips, and baked into casseroles.
Ready to plant a fall veggie garden? Visit Ace of Gray for seeds, soil, and the tools needed to help vegetables grow.