Time for Your Annual Mower Maintenance

With the birds chirping outside our windows, green grass, and sunny skies, it’s hard to believe spring hasn’t arrived. After a mild winter, homeowners in Gray will have their hands full tackling spring landscaping projects earlier than usual. Is your mower up to the task?

Spring Mower Maintenance

mower cutting grassWe ask a lot of our mowers each year. From March to October, they’re working nonstop, keeping our lawns neat and welcoming. But after a season in the shed, most mowers need some fine tuning to be up to the job of spring lawn care. Before taking your mower out for a spin, check off these maintenance items:

  • Change the oil
  • Fuel up (if you didn’t drain the gas last fall, do so before topping off the tank)
  • Replace the spark plugs
  • Clean the undercarriage thoroughly
  • Sharpen mower blades
  • Oil wheel bearings and other moving parts

Ace of Gray Equipment Repair and Service

We know you have a lot on your plate this spring. From spring cleaning to planting a spring vegetable garden, you may not have time to give your yard equipment the attention it needs. Make an appointment at Ace of Gray for mower maintenance and repair. We’ll examine every part, giving your mower, weed whacker, and other lawn equipment a new lease on life.

Visit Ace of Gray for cutting-edge lawn mowers, equipment maintenance and repairs, and parts for DIY mower repairs. We’re already booking spring mower maintenance; call to schedule your repair today.

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Coming Up Okra

Spring planting season is just a few weeks away. Planting a spring vegetable garden allows homeowners in Gray to reap the rewards for months to come. We can already taste those crisp seasoned veggies fresh off the Big Green Egg. Ready to get started?

Preparing the Soil for Vegetable Gardening

We may have had a mild winter, but the soil still needs assistance before it’s ready to support new life. Choose a location that gets the right amount of sunlight and shade. Start the garden bed by breaking up soil that compacted over the last few months. Consider building a raised bed to improve drainage and assist with early-season soil warmth. Sprinkler fertilizer before planting, and again to enrich newly planted vegetables. Consider starting a composting pile to create nutrient-rich organic humus to supplement the soil. Keep the soil moist according to the needs of each vegetable.

Planting a Spring Veggie Garden

okra plantMarch means planting season is underway. Asparagus, beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peas, Irish potatoes, onions, spinach, and turnips grow well in cooler weather. Plant them in February or March. Other vegetables thrive in early spring. A few of our favorites March veggies include:

  • Beans (lima, bush, pole, and pole lima)
  • Cauliflower
  • Corn
  • Tomatoes
  • Swiss Chard
  • Butterpea
  • Cucumber
  • Eggplant
  • Okra
  • Peppers

Want to add fruit to the spring garden? Plant cantaloupe from late March to mid June or watermelon from March to May.

Ace of Gray has everything you need to build a thriving spring veggie garden. From lumber for homemade raised beds to plants and fertilizer, our garden center will help get your garden growing. Call today for expert advice on how to start a spring vegetable garden.

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How to Get Your Heart Pumping

February isn’t just the season to celebrate candy hearts, roses, and chocolate. It’s also Heart Health Month. Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men and women in America, causing 1 out of every 4 deaths. But good diet, regular exercise, and health consciousness can lower your risk of heart disease. Keep yourself and your loved ones health this February by getting out and enjoying the world around you.

Explore Heart Health this Month

hiking shoes at lakeStrengthening your heart isn’t all bland foods and boring days at the gym. You can improve your heart health by exploring the world around you. Running, hiking, and plenty of your favorite outdoor activities are great cardiovascular exercises. The best part? You’re having so much fun, you don’t even realize you’re staying active! Get ahead of heart disease by getting 75 to 150 minutes of exercise each week.

Shoes, Activewear, and Accessories

Ready to get moving? Ace of Gray has everything you need to hike your favorite trails, run your favorite track, and play with your kids in your very own backyard. Stock up on hiking boots, running shoes, and outdoor apparel like moisture-wicking socks, functional hats, and jackets from brands like Columbia. We carry a full range of activewear for men, women, and kids. We also have Costa del Mar UV-protection sunglasses to keep your eyes as healthy as your heart.

February is National Heart Health Month. Get moving this month! For everything you need to look good and feel great, visit Ace of Gray.

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Cupid Strikes Ace of Gray

heart targetValentine’s Day is less than a week away, and love is in the air. You can’t grab a latte these days without seeing chocolate hearts and pink candies decorating the inside of your cup. If you’re looking for a last-minute Valentine’s Day gift, have no fear. Ace of Gray has just the thing to get your loved one’s heart thumping on February 14th.

Gray Gift Center

Looking for a sweet picture, a decorated mug, or than scarf your wife has been eyeing all month? Visit the Ace of Gray gift shop for home decor, jewelry, clothes, and other gift items the woman in your life will love. Just don’t forget to pick up a kids craft project for your wife’s mini-me! Trust us, your daughter will love unwrapping a coloring book and a red rose this Sunday.

Grills, Smokers, and Outdoor Accessories

Looking for a gift, big or small? The man in your life will love an addition to his outdoor arena. Treat your husband to the ultimate Valentine’s Day gift (and score lifelong brownie points) by buying him a Big Green Egg this year. Is a smoker out of your holiday budget? Buy your boyfriend a new grilling accessory, or treat yourself too with a range of sauces and rubs for the next time he fires up the grill.

Floral Displays

Ace of Gray has an in-house florist to help you create the perfect floral arrangement for your significant other. But no worries if you’re in a hurry. We have a variety of artful, freshly-made bouquets available that will make your date swoon. Want to put a tasty twist on a Valentine’s Day classic? Buy your date an edible bouquet made of their favorite chocolatey treats!

Ace of Gray has everything you need to plan the perfect Valentine’s Day. Need help? Stop by and we’ll point you in the direction of the perfect present to pamper your valentine!

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Want Winter Color? Attract Wildlife!

goldfinch at feederThere’s nothing quite like watching birds flit around your yard, adding color and vibrant life to the winter landscape. February is National Bird Feeding Month, a celebration that promotes bird feeding and bird watching. If you’re an avid bird-watcher, you probably have a good idea of how to attract winter birds with seed, suet, and fruit. But if you’re new to the game, it’s the perfect time for a winter bird feeding refresher.

How to Attract Winter Birds to the Garden

You never know which birds might show up in your garden, but you can slant the odds in your favorite bird’s favor. Attract specific Georgia-native birds to your winter garden by using the right bird feed.

  • Black oil sunflower seeds attract such beauties as the American Goldfinch, the Blue Jay, the Downy Woodpecker, the Brown Thrasher, the European Starling, the Northern Cardinal, and the Red-Winged Blackbird.
  • Like black oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn attracts the Blue Jay and the Brown Thrasher. It also attracts the Brewer’s Blackbird, the Chirping Sparrow, the Eastern Meadowlark, and a variety of doves.
  • Want to attract American Robins, Baltimore Orioles, Eastern Bluebirds, or Hermit Thrushes? Add fruit to your bird feeder.
  • Hulled sunflower seeds are favorite winter fare for Brown Creepers, Brown-Headed Cowbirds, Carolina Wrens, Pine Warblers, Tufted Titmouses, and a variety of winter sparrows.
  • Mealworms are just the ticket to attract the Red-Breasted Nuthatch, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, and Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker.
  • Suet is a dietary staple for many winter birds. Look for Baltimore Orioles, Blue Jays, Common Grackles, Northern Mockingbirds, and Yellow-Rumped Warblers enjoying the suet spread this season.
  • Want to introduce more variety to winter bird-watching bingo? Experiment with millet, milo, nyjer, oats, peanuts, safflower, and sugar water in your winter bird feeders.

Transform your garden, regardless of the season. Visit Ace of Gray for bird feeders, bird feed, bird baths, and winter plants to attract native Georgian birds.

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Home Repairs Everyone Should Know

There’s nothing wrong with calling in a professional. When your house works against you, DIY can quickly turn into “Did It . . . Yikes!” When dealing with plumbing problems (we’re talking more than just a leaky faucet), wiring and electrical issues, or anything that would cause serious damage if you messed up, it’s best to call in the pros. But some home repairs are easy to accomplish if you have the proper tools and the right know-how. Here are 4 home repairs every homeowner should know how to do.

Easy Home Repairs

  1. Fix a broken toilet. If the toilet won’t stop running, cut off the water. The water shutoff valve is located where the toilet connects to the wall. Next, check the seal on the flapper. Chances are that’s the culprit. Luckily, replacing the flapper is an easy fix. Visit Ace of Gray for a new toilet flapper and step-by-step instructions from a professional Mr. Fix-It.
  2. home drywall repairRepair drywall. If you’re filling in nail holes, all you need is putty and fine grain sandpaper. For a bigger patch, use drywall and mud. Bigger patches fit smoothly into the wall, making a fix that’s easily covered with paint or wallpaper.
  3. Open a stuck window. There are two common problems that cause stuck windows: heat and old paint. If heat and humidity swell the wood until you have difficulty opening the window, run a dehumidifier to suck the moisture from the frame. If it’s stuck with old paint, carefully use a utility knife to break the seal. Make sure not to gouge the wooden frame.
  4. Fix a leaky faucet. After a few hours, the steady dripping of a leaky faucet is enough to drive any homeowner crazy. It can also waste around 5 gallons of water per day. To fix a leaky faucet, first turn off the water supply. Turn on the faucet to relieve leftover pressure and cover the drain to prevent losing parts. Unscrew the handle and take apart the faucet. Once you find the source of the leak, visit Ace of Gray for a replacement part and put the whole thing back together. Voila! No more leaky sink.

Not sure how to start your home repair? That’s why we’re here! The experts at Ace of Gray are no strangers to home improvement. Find a representative for advice on which tools and parts to buy, simple instructions on basic home repairs, and an expert opinion about when to call in the professionals.

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7 Ways to Ruin a Garbage Disposal

dishes in kitchen sinkWhen they’re working properly, garbage disposals make cooking a breeze. With just the flick of a switch, food scraps that would rot in the trash simply disappear. But a broken garbage disposal is a major headache: spitting food, clogging, and making enough noise to wake a hibernating bear. Keep your disposal at the top of its game by tossing these 7 items into the garbage.

7 Things to Never Put in a Disposal

  1. Bones. Disposal blades aren’t powerful enough to tackle bones. They’ll wind up spinning, spinning, spinning . . . making future disposal use a major hassle.
  2. Celery, corn husks, and asparagus. Know those little fibers that stick between your teeth like floss? They’ll tangle in the disposal blades and be just as hard to remove as they are in your mouth.
  3. Fruit pits. Like bones, these suckers are too hard to grind in the disposal. Unlike bones, they’re also large enough to cause a major clog.
  4. Oil and grease. This slimy duo will likely clog your pipes before they ever get the chance to wreak havoc on your garbage disposal.
  5. Sponges. You might think it’s no big deal if a sponge slips down the disposal, but it will get tangled in the blades, making it impossible to grind food without some serious snipping to free the disposal.
  6. Coffee grounds. These tiny flecks of coffee beans disappear easily down the drain, but once they make it to the disposal, they coagulate into a sludgy mess.
  7. Pasta. These carbs may be a “cheat day” treat, but if you drop them down the drain, they’ll absorb water and swell, clogging the disposal trap.

Has food wreaked havoc on your garbage disposal? Ace of Gray has everything you need to get ahead of the mess. Visit our home improvement store for tips, supplies, and replacement garbage disposals.

Sink Image from FreeDigitalPhotos

How to Live Better in 2016

Is your goal to make your home more efficient this year? That might mean organizing, cleaning, and redecorating. It could mean cutting costs and going green. Whatever your definition of home efficiency, achieving your New Year’s resolutions for the home is simpler than it seems.

Home Organization in 2016

clean, simple homeWant improve the flow of daily life? If you’re struggling to stay organized, the first thing you need to do is downsize. Yes, Grandma gave you that china cat collection. But if it’s just collecting dust, it’s time to box it up. Go through your home, winnowing out items that clutter up your daily life. Find smart storage solutions for the items that remain, like an ottoman with hidden storage or a DIY towel rack for the bathroom. Walk through the house and move any furniture you find yourself bumping into as you go about your daily tasks. Once everything’s back in order, make an action plan for how to stay more organized in the future.

Home Efficiency in 2016

Maybe you want to save the environment. Maybe you want to lower your electric bill. Maybe you simply want to stop replacing the same lightbulb every two months. Whatever your reason for improving the efficiency of your home, here are some easy tasks to help you go green:

  • Switch to compact fluorescent lightbulbs
  • Replace shower heads with low-flow varieties
  • Turn off the lights when you leave the room
  • Crank down the heat or A/C when you leave the house for the day
  • Put irrigation systems on a timer
  • Limit the water your yard needs by planting ground cover instead of grass
  • Fall in love with hardscaping
  • Choose flowers and shrubs that need less water
  • Make use of food waste by composting (it’s great fertilizer!)
  • Buy a drying rack for your laundry
  • Never run the washing machine or dishwasher half-full

Are you ready to conquer 2016? Visit Ace of Gray for all your home and garden needs this year.

Photo from FreeDigitalPhotos

How to Clean Out the Kids’ Room

little boy paintingIt sounds like a great plan: clean out your kid’s bedroom for the new year. Maybe you want to thin the storage bins after a successful Christmas. Maybe you’re getting rid of junk so you can repaint and redecorate. Maybe your kid is simply growing older and losing interest in old toys. Whatever your intentions, it’s easy to get overwhelmed when cleaning the kids room. Tackle the mess in no time with these tips on how to clean out kids’ rooms.

Time to Sort Toys

Kids have a habit of collecting (and growing attached to) junk. Sort through toy bins and toss the following:

  • Broken toys
  • Dried out markers
  • Worn or broken crayons and colored pencils
  • Toys they haven’t played with in months
  • Dingy or holey stuffed animals (favorites exempted)
  • Board games with missing pieces

Clean Closet Clutter

Kids grow fast. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with their sprouting limbs. It’s not your fault for getting behind, but it is time to tackle that closet. Grab a donation bag and a trash bag for:

  • Holey socks
  • Socks with a missing mate
  • Hats and gloves your kids never wear
  • Shoes that don’t fit
  • Old sports uniforms
  • Clothing your kids have outgrown

Ditch Outdated Decor

Yes, those farm animal prints were precious when your kids were two, but they’re quickly losing their appeal. Put them in storage or pass them along to a friend with an infant. Go through the room, removing any wall hangings, blankets and pillows, or furniture that’s too babyish for your children. It will be easier to redecorate if you’re working with a fresh palette.

Start a Storage System

If your organizational tools aren’t working, it’s time to start over. Stock up on bins for organization, hanging closet organizers, and other handy tools to help keep your kids’ room in order.

Give your kids a fresh start this year. Visit Ace of Gray for paint, home decor, organizers, kids’ toys and games, and kids’ clothing.

Photo from Flickr

Merry Christmas, Gray!

merry christmasThe weeks of preparation are finally paying off. Around Gray, folks hang last-minute ornaments on trees, put the finishing touches on their holiday grocery list, and finish wrapping the gifts they’ve spent months collecting for family and friends. Christmas is a season filled with the hustle and bustle of the holidays. We’ve had a merry season helping customers find that perfect gift for everyone on their list. We’ve packaged Big Green Eggs, wrapped up kids’ art sets, and put the final bows on holiday wreaths for mom. We’ve even made custom Christmas bouquets for holiday hostess-gifts. But at its heart, the holiday isn’t about the gifts we give and receive, but about the people we share it with.

We pray your holidays are filled with laughter, joy, peace, and fulfillment. As you relax and reconnect with the people you love, think back on the blessings of the year and imagine the blessings to come. We can’t wait to hear about them!

Merry Christmas from your friends at Ace of Gray!