In the first few weeks of the school year, families spend a lot of time shopping for back-to-school. New clothes, new shoes, new backpacks, lunchboxes, and school accessories . . . to many moms, it seems like two weeks straight of ordering kids to buy equipment that’s both cute and functional. Here at Ace of Gray, we realize that not everyone shopping for back-to-school gear is actually going back to school. Our Garden Center and Gift Shop won’t only be filled with eager school kids, but also with moms, dads, and younger siblings. Shop your school supply list at Ace of Gray this year, even if you’re not heading back to school this fall.
School Gear for Moms
Lunch boxes aren’t just for school cafeterias, and not every grown-up planner is digital. Indulge your back-to-school shopping with Ace of Gray’s school year gear for moms. Our monogrammed, seersucker lunchboxes are perfect for working women and moms-on-the-go. We also have a wide array of purses, bags, and briefcases in classic and modern prints. Can’t keep track of your busy fall schedule? Buy a Lily Pulitzer planner to keep your life sleek and organized. We stock calendars, appointment books, and notebooks in colorful designs that moms, teens, and businesswomen will find hard to pass up.
School Supplies for Tots
Are your older kids heading off to school? That doesn’t keep your toddlers busy! Scan our stock of art supplies and pre-school learners for items to keep your under 5’s engaged and learning. We also carry a supply of cute, comfortable, easy-to-carry nap mats for toddlers who attend full or part-time preschool.
The new school year isn’t just for kids K-12. Check off your school supplies list at Ace of Gray Garden Center and Gift Shop.